Range Rover Register One Day Rally


Old Warden Aerodrome, Northills, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9EP

A One Day Gathering for RRR Members

From 10.00am until 4.30pm

At The Shuttleworth Collection

Old Warden Aerodrome, Northills, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9EP

£10 per car, includes entry for all passengers to the Collection and the Swiss Garden

Ian Arthur / Geoffrey Miller / e: treasurer@rrr.co.uk / t: 01908-880709


We are holding a one day rally for Range Rover Register members at the Shuttleworth Collection.

This is one of the best collections of vintage aeroplanes in the world, most of which are airworthy and are flown on selected dates during the summer months. The collection  includes the oldest airworthy British aeroplane in the world, as well as a Hurricane and Spitfire from the Second World War.

We are looking forward to meeting RRR members, their familes and friends for a get together and to display our cars to the public.

The rally fee of £10 covers entry for the car, driver and passengers and includes entry for all to the Collection and the Swiss Garden.

If you would like to join the event, please contact Ian Arthur or Geoffrey Miller for further information.
t: 01908-880709 / e: treasurer@rrr.co.uk


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