Here are some links to other websites and services, which we hope you will find helpful and interesting.
We no longer operate a Members Forum as there are so many other excellent sources of information about Range Rovers.
Our facebook page 
Please read the Club’s rules for using our Facebook page
Our Twitter account
Vidar Eriksen’s website is where you will discover more than you ever thought possible about the “original” Range Rover
The Range Rovers Enthusiast’s Site founded By John Brabyn offers a huge amount of technical advice about all models in the marque
A useful source of information for Range Rover Sport owners
A forum for the L322 and L405 models
Range Rover Monteverdi
Robert Soevik’s website tells you all there is to know about the Monterverdi conversions
Discovery 3 Forum
There’s a lot of information here which is common to the L320 first generation Range Rover Sport
Keyless Entry
This function has posed security problems for owners. Les Potts shows you how to disable (and enable) Keyless Entry on the later Land Rover vehicles
Updates by Bodsy
Ian Bodsworth is a mobile mechanic who can carry out electronic updates to your car’s computer system